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Rainbow Bridge Memorials

Rainbow Bridge

by Diann Cook


You told me of the rainbow bridge
Where I should wait for you
And as tears ran down your loving face
My heart promised that’s what I’d do


You held me close and comforting
And as my eyes closed in peace
I felt only of your love
And all my pain did cease


Well I’m here now
And it’s all you said it would be
The only way it would be more wonderful
Is if you were here with me


And now upon the rainbow bridge
I’m free to run and play
To do the things I love to do
And watch for you each day


I know you’re coming for me
For your word was always true
Then side by side we’ll cross that bridge
Together me and you.

This page is dedicated to Pets and Friends of Pets that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Donate In Memory of a Pet or Person

Donate in Loving Memory, of a pet or a friend of pets that has crossed over and is waiting to be reunited with you. A photo and memorial write up will be placed on this page.

Fill in the form at the below link to send in a submission.

Rainbow Bridge Memorial Form


In Memory of Tiko

A good boy that will be greatly missed!

Wait for me and I will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge.



You were my heart and soul. You were my first Dane and because of you many lives have been and will continue to be saved through this rescue. Your memory will live on.

Love you always


January 13, 2009 to December 25, 2018

You’re always in our thoughts and memories are held close.



Sweet, Loving, and Mischievous

Until we meet again

March 24, 2008 - January 26, 2018

December 9, 2012 to May 8, 2018

You always bring a smile to our day with your goofy antics. We see you every day in little things.


Watch for me, for one day we will be together again.

Run and Play. 

Jacob "White Paw"

Scrooge McDuck

June 13, 2011 to June 23, 2020


You came into our lives broken and only for a short time.

You will always be loved by all the people whose lives you touched.

Run free, pee on all the trees and watch for us to join you some day soon.

You were a light in a dark world.

You brought hope, happiness and so much love.


Scrooge McDuck

This boy had the most amazing spirit.

June 13, 2011 to June 23, 2020

In the short time he was with our family, we loved him so very much. He was always happy and the most loveable boy.

You are missed, and will forever hold a special place in our hearts big dog.

While he had challenges, he met them head on and showed us all how to be better than we are.

He touched lives near and far.


2010 to 2020


Sweet Lilly came to me after 3 other owners. She was a beautiful, petite girl.   Everyone was her friend! She is so greatly missed, and I know she is running free and happy.

May all who grieve the loss of their Gentle Giant and big-hearted Great Danes, be comforted in knowing we took the best care and they loved us in return and so it is, the sorrow of missing them as our Best Friends.

In Loving Memory of


Berlin Wells

The kindest, and sweetest dog ever known.


She will be greatly missed.


Nina I miss you. I knew when I first saw you, that you were going to make me a foster failure and you did just that.

2014 to 2022



You've been such a good girl and a personality like none I've ever seen before. I miss you girl and I love you. Now you can run and not be in pain.

There won't be a day that goes by that you won't be in my mind or in my heart.

You'll be with me always and forever!!


2016 to 2023


Micah was his name when he came to us as a foster in 2016 at maybe 5 years old. We failed at fostering and renamed him Reggie.

Reggie was the sweetest boy. He really connected with my husband Robert. He did not leave my husband's side EVER! We made Reggie an official Emotional Support Dog. He got my husband through several medical issues.  He was truly man's best friend.

We will always love Reggie


Sophie Marie

2012 to 2023

In loving memory of our grand dog Sophie Marie.

Our pretty girl is sadly missed by all.

April 2021 to June 13, 2024


Hubert's time in this world was short, and our time with him even shorter. We would give so much for one more day.

Hubie, you were our world. You were a lesson in patience and unconditional love. You completed our little family.

We are grieving your loss, but we know we will find you again at the Rainbow Bridge. Until then, we will miss you every day.

You are our sunshine, our lovely sunshine.

Hubie at the Furshire.jpg
Hubie and Fry_edited.jpg

2014 to 2024


2010 - 2024


Almond Joy


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Regal Dane Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations go to the care, feeding and medical needs of the Great Danes in our care. All donations are tax deductible.

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