More about ...
Activity Level:
Current Medication:
Level of Training:
Some of the basics
Special Needs Info:
Very skittish and afraid of sudden movements, new situations and people, especially men. Challenges with eating, but we are working on it.
Crate Trained:
My favorite place to sleep:
On the love seat or couch
My favorite activity is:
Chasing and wrestling with my packmates
My favorite snack is:

I get along with / like:
Big Dogs, Car Rides, Being Alone
I do not get along with / like:
Nothing, just skittish of new things
I'm scared of:
Lots of things!!

My foster parent(s) describe me as:
I am a loving, sweet dog who definitely needs to be part of a pack and family. I love to instigate zoomie sessions with my packmates. I am playful with younger dogs. I am great as a work companion, I will lay quietly on the loveseat while you are working. I will go looking for you if you move away from your desk for too long and tell you to go back to work!! I love treats, butter, ice cream, carrots and going for rides, especially in the RV. I walk on a leash, but I'm afraid of new situations.
My best day would be to:
Playing and running with the other dogs and making sure my foster mom is in her office with me, working!!
Other tidbits about me: